
     2024-25 Membership and League Registration



    Please log into the member's area (Member Home) to complete your online Sign-Up.      Member Log in

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    Please first complete a New Member Request.  After you are accepted as a club member, you will then be able to Sign-Up to play in our leagues.   New Member Request

    Note: A unique email address is required for each person registering.

    New Member Info

    New members... Welcome to the Quinte Curling Club!

    At a glance poster and additonal general information below:

    • You are welcome to join any league...  some are an individual sign up and some leagues will have set teams already, but that doesn't mean you should feel you are not welcome. Many teams are in need of an extra curler either on a regular basis or as a 5th person throughout the season. This is a great way to get yourself known and you will soon find yourself a permanent fixture on a regular team.
    • Throughout the year there are various in-club Bonspiels. These are club events... fun events... with no pressure put on you the curler to excel whatsoever. Sure there may be a Turkey up for stake at the Turkey Spiel, but fun is always the order of the day. We encourage you to sign up for any or all of the in-club Spiels as they occur. Check our Club Events section for upcoming events.
    • You will be contacted (sometimes too frequently) by various members of the club executive or some club convenors. Most of this communication is done by email so we hope you have entered your email correctly into the system... and... that you have checked the send email option! That part is very important! 
    • Quinte Curling Club is a volunteer organization. We are completely not-for-profit. As such that means that we rely on our members to take part in our volunteer program throughout the entire year, not just the season. Every year we only ask our members to contribute a minimum of 6 hours of volunteer service... many have given far more than their required hours... others are into the thousands! Every hour counts however and for each hour provided makes the Quinte Curling Club a better place. There are many opportunities throughout the club including assisting with Bonspiels, odd jobs as offered by the Facilities Director and many opportunities with the Junior Program... these are fun and a great way to meet more fellow members as well. Of course you are more than welcome to volunteer as much as you  like so you don't have to stop at 6 hours!
    • This website is your main source of information about your club. If its happening, it will be posted here somewhere. Usually we have news of upcoming events, of how our Teams on Tour have made out, and you can always see how active we are by checking out our club calendar in the club events section. There will be links to follow for event registration and for volunteer opportunities.
    • This year we will try to ensure that all members are kept in the loop, and we will still rely heavily on email, we will also rely on a type of Buddy system.  We ask those with email access to inform friends or team mates who didn't have access or who had "boonie" hispeed of any notices they received.
    • Always remember that the club is only as good as you make it.  We welcome your solutions and are always open to change if it is for the betterment of our club.

    So... welcome to The Quinte Curling Club. It will be a great place to be this year!

    Upcoming Events

    • Dec
      Youth Curling
      12:00 PM
    • Dec
      Youth Curling
      12:00 PM
    • Dec
      Closed for Christmas
      12:00 AM
    • Jan
      Little Rockers
      10:00 AM
    • Jan
      Youth Curling
      12:00 PM
    • Jan
      Shot Management Curling Clinic
      01:00 PM
    • Feb
      Little Rockers
      10:00 AM
    • Feb
      Youth Curling
      12:00 PM

    Our Sponsors

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    246 Bridge Street West
    Belleville Ontario
    K8P 5L6 

    Contact Us

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: 613-962-5570

    For facility and building questions, please email [email protected]

    For website related questions, please email [email protected]


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